Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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Air"My Maryland."
By the Cross upon our banner—glory of our Southern sky— Swear we now, a band of brothers, free to live, or free to
die! Northrons! by the rights denied, listen to our solemn vow— Here we swear, as freemen, never to your galling- yoke to
By our brave ones lost in battle, best and noblest of our land, Fighting with your Northern hirelings, face to face and hand
to hand ; By a sacrifice so priceless, by the spirits of the slain— Swear we now, our Southern heroes shall not thus have died
in vain.
Wide and deep the breach between us — rent by hatred's
poisoned darts, And ye cannot now cement it with the blood of Southern
hearts! Streams of gore that gulf shall widen, running strong and
deep and red, Severing you from us forever, while there is a drop to shed.
* This thrilling song was circulated sub rosa in New Orleans, and at times almost openly. Its bold and defiant tone shows it to have been writ­ten by one who must have suffered greatly at the hands of Butler.